How to keep your white canvas, leather, or suede Vans shoes clean?

Vans shoes are a classic that comes in many styles and materials. Whether you use them for everyday wear, skateboarding, or simply showing them off on your feet, they will require some care and maintenance. If you have had white shoes at least once in your life, you know how easy it is for them to become dull and unclean looking. There are different steps that you should take when it comes to cleaning, depending on the materials of your Vans, how often you wear them, and the type of dirt they might have on them.

Keep reading to find out what you can do in order to keep your Vans in good condition, no matter what materials they are made of.

White Canvas Vans

  • 1tbsp baking soda
  • soft-bristled brush
  • 2tsp hydrogen peroxide
  • small bowl
  • melamine sponge
  • shoe brush
  • oxygenated bleach
  • microfiber cloth
  • heavy-duty laundry detergent

White Leather Vans

  • Castile/leather soap
  • microfiber cloth
  • baking soda
  • small bowl
  • melamine sponge

White Suede Vans

  • distilled white vinegar
  • microfiber cloth
  • cornstarch/talcum powder
  • art gum eraser
  • melamine sponge
  • suede or soft-bristled brush
  • paper towels

How to clean white canvas Vans shoes?

1. Before you begin cleaning your canvas Vans shoes, remove their shoelaces and any insoles that can be taken out. You can place those in a bowl or bucket full of water and some heavy-duty laundry detergent. Let them soak in there while your shoes are being cleaned. If your shoelaces are extremely dirty, you can add some oxygenated bleach to the solution in order to properly clean them.
2. Brush away all loose soil. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove all loose soil from the top and bottom of your shoes. Removing dust and dirt will help with their proper cleaning. You can use a shoe brush, a vacuum cleaner, or even an old toothbrush.
3. Mix a cleaning solution. In a small bowl, mix 1 tbsp of baking soda, 2 tsp of hydrogen peroxide, and 1 tsp of warm water. Those should create a thin paste.
4. Dip an old toothbrush or a shoebrush in this solution and gently scrub the soiled areas. Keep doing this until the shoe is clean and back to white. Rinse by dipping a microfiber cloth in water, and wiping away your shoes in order to get rid of any residue.
5. Clean the soles with a melamine sponge. Scrub the rubber soles and remove any scuffs or soil that is still left on them. Allow your vans to air-dry away from direct sunlight but in a place with good air circulation.

To clean white leather vans shoes

1. Same as the other shoes, remove their insoles and their shoelaces. Then it is time to remove all loose dirt and soil. Dip a microfiber cloth in warm water, wring it until it is just damp, and wipe your shoes well. Make sure you pay attention to all seams and detailed areas. Make sure you wipe their whole surface, then let them air dry.
2. Clean the soles. Dampen a melamine sponge and clean the rubber soles of the shoes. Make sure you don’t scrub the leather parts since the sponge may damage the top layer of your leather shoes.
3. Clean the leather parts. Mix a solution of Castile or saddle soap and some water. Dip a microfiber cloth and use a gentle, circular motion, and make sure you thoroughly clean the whole surface of the shoe, including the top and the sides. For stubborn stains, sprinkle a bit of baking soda and gently scrub them. It will act like a mild abrasive and remove all the dirt.
4. Rinse and dry – Use a damp, clean microfiber cloth to wipe away any soapy residue. Let your shoes air dry away from direct sunlight.

To clean white suede shoes

1. Since suede shoes cannot take a lot of moisture or regular cleaning, use a soft-bristled brush to remove any loose soil.
2. If there are any stains (especially oily ones), sprinkle some cornstarch or talcum powder on them. They will soak up the oil from the stains, making them easier to get rid of. For other stains or scuff marks, rub the suede shoes with an art gum eraser. If that doesn’t work, dip a microfiber cloth in white vinegar and gently rub them away.
3. Use a damp melamine sponge and clean the rubber soles of your shoes. Make sure you don’t rub the suede part since you may end up damaging its surface.
4. Dry and buff – Let the shoes air-dry and use a suede brush to buff their fibres and lift any matted dirt and debris.

How to keep your white shoes stay clean for longer:

• Before wearing your white shoes for the first time, spray them with water and stain repellent. You can find a special repellent for suede as well.
• Regularly brush and wipe your Vans shoes with a damp cloth, in order to remove dirt and dust and prevent it from building up.
• Replace your shoelaces regularly (or whenever they are extra dirty) That will help you make your shoes look new in no time.